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Second Eagle Scout Project Planned

News Article

Marcus Kwon will be working on an Eagle Scout project to achieve his Eagle Scout Rank here at Arcadia Community Church. Marcus will be planning, organizing, and leading the renovation of the east side courtyard. To support the project, he is collecting recyclables and having a bake sale. See church announcements for additional information. The project completion date is scheduled for May 18, 2024.

Marcus Kwon, from Boy Scout Arcadia Troup 111, plan for an Eagle Scout project with Arcadia Community Church which has been approved by the Session.

One of the rank requirements is to plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, school, or community.

Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America. Since its inception in 1911, only four percent of Scouts have earned this rank after a lengthy review process. The Eagle Scout rank has been earned by over 2.5 million youth.